NAMé Recycling
Reducing waste
- Sustainable cities and communities
- Action against climate change
NAMé Recycling's mission is to transform plastic waste into environmental, social and economic opportunities in Sub Saharan Africa! Leader in its market, the Belgian-Cameroonian company has successfully developed since 2016 a plastic recycling and valorization chain in Cameroon, and more widely in West Africa. The recycled waste is sold on the local and international markets. This circular economy also creates jobs and cleaner and safer local communities. In response to growing demand, the company intends to continue its growth and increase its collection capacity!
Listen to the replay of Roblain's pitch (CEO) who details it all and answers all questions: link HERE.
Tackle the challenge of plastic pollution by supporting NAMé Recycling in financing the development of its collection and recycling networks in West Africa and its working capital needs.
The first stage of the fundraising has been reached, join the adventure to exceed the objective of 500 000€.
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Mathieu V.
I invested in NAMé Recycling because investing in Africa is the imminent future, the project is robust, ethical and sustainable, and the company's accounting seems robust.
Monique P.
I invested in NAMé Recycling because plastic pollution is absolutely gigantic in almost every country in Africa. I wish NAMé great success.
Marie-Claire R.
I invested in NAMé Recycling because recycling is the best solution for a sustainable world and for sustainable job creation.
Gaetan d.
I invested because the project seems good and the risk relatively low. I wish the team good luck in outperforming the targets to maximise the impact. Hopefully this fundraising will be successful for all!
I invested in NAMé Recycling because plastic pollution is the worst scourge we face today.
Alain R.
I invested in NAMé Recycling because I believe in the relevance of the project and I believe that this entrepreneur has the strength to lead this development of plastic recycling in several African countries, which contributes to the transition to a more desirable world for all.
Michel d.
The company has a remarkable environmental and economic project for the countries concerned.
Lauranne B.
I invested in NAMé Recycling because I am concerned about waste issues and I am thrilled that they are working to reduce waste in absolute terms, but also in this geographical area to improve the living conditions of inhabitants.
Alain W.
I invested in NAMé Recycling because the company is tackling a current environmental problem, there is a market to take and the medium-term perspectives look promising.