
Cooperative shares
- Decent work and economic growth
- Reduced inequality
- Responsible consumption and production
Impact category
Social economy
Degree of maturity
Amount collected :
€ 199 800.00
The mission of Sociaago is to allow small local producers to access Brussels by optimizing the distribution and commercialization of their products, all in a co-operative and fair market context. With a new logistics center around Brussels, Sociaago wants to respond to the growing demand for picking activity and to the desire to change consumption habits. At the same time, this allows Sociaago to create decent jobs for people with reduced access to the labour market (such as persons with disabilities and long-term unemployed) and thus to also challenge existing economic inequalities and work towards a greater social integration on this level.
Sociaago asks your help to launch this hub and finance the investments.

Follow the project on:
Céline B.
I invested in Sociaago because it is a wonderful project for Brussels! It will not only serve the social and environmental companies in the food belt but all potential consumers. It is the continuation of the work of thousands of people that is being implemented through Sociaago. Bravo for this initiative!
Pierre V.
I invested in Sociaago because...I believe in its project and that I support this kind of project with an important and sustainable impact for a change in our society, supporting our local producers rather than multinationals.
Luc J.
I invested in Sociaago because it offers a sustainable solution to make demand and supply meet.
Jean-Louis N.
I invested in Sociaago because the cooperative has a social purpose. Wishing to benefit from the Tax shelter, I also wanted my investment to have a social purpose.
Amount collected
€ 199 800
Financial product
Investing in unlisted companies carries the risk of losing all the money invested.