Negative exit

Le Drenche

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  • Media
  • Information Press
  • Civic Action
  • Quality education
  • Reduced inequality
Impact category Sustainable living Degree of maturity Seeds
Amount collected : € 399 966.56



Malgré la distribution mensuelle de 100 000 exemplaires dans près de 700 écoles, universités et lycées et 8 années d’activités, l’entreprise n’a pas réussi à finaliser sa levée de fonds lui permettant d’atteindre l’équilibre économique et pérenniser son modèle.

Le contexte économique dégradé (un marché de la presse en difficulté, l'inflation notamment du papier) n'a pas permis au dirigeant de convaincre de nouveaux investisseurs et de trouver une solution de financement complémentaire en attendant les subventions européennes initialement prévues en octobre 2023. Face à la tension de trésorerie, la société a été contrainte de lancer une procédure de redressement judiciaire.


Le Drenche is the 1st media for 18-35 year old in France dedicated to social debates and promoting citizen commitment! Born in 2015 from the observation that it is difficult to have a clear opinion on current issues, Le Drenche seeks to promote factual, clear and plural information that is independent and open to all. Its thematic articles systematically set two opposing views against each other: the "pros" and the "cons", an innovative editorial methodology. A partnership with Ouest France for the circulation of the newspaper gives Le Drenche an important visibility and credibility. Thanks to its good management, the newspaper is now economically balanced and now wishes to develop its presence in France and its digital content offer. Le Drenche's vision is to remain the leading media for 18-35 year olds and to extend its influence more widely.

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Fundraising goal
€ 200 000
Financial product
Investing in unlisted companies carries the risk of losing all the money invested.
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