- Decent work and economic growth
- Industry, innovation and infrastructure
- Responsible consumption and production
Created in 2007 by Thomas Huriez, the company was originally an ethical clothing store under the brand name Modetic. The first years of activity allowed Thomas to master the trade and to get to know the sector. This experience and the successive closures of his suppliers led him in 2013 to create his own eco-designed jeans and sneaker brand with the specificity of being 100% manufactured in France. This is how the 1083 brand was born, with the pledge to manufacture within 1083 km of its customers (1083 km being the distance between the two furthest cities in France). This visionary “Made In France” undertaking quickly reached an interested market whose growth has intensified in recent years. To date, the company has sold more than 100,000 pairs of jeans! In 2018, the company became a group and expanded by integrating the upstream denim activities, spinning and weaving, by buying its main and historical supplier Tissage de France. Its particularity? Being the only spinning mill in France to spin only GOTS certified organic cotton. The search for new spaces led the 1083 group to a new ambitious project: an emblematic place and former famous shoe factory in Romans-sur-Isère, the Jourdan Plant will regroup industrial, economic and touristic activities.