- Responsible consumption and production
- Action against climate change
- Partnerships to achieve goals
Impact category
Tech for good
Degree of maturity
Amount collected :
€ 216 900.00
Toovalu accompanies companies monitoring and starting their CSR and climate change strategies. Given the CSR legal frame, companies must be more and more transparent and must value extra financial performance. However, these companies need expertise transforming and adapting to a more sustainable activity. To help them, Toovalu sells a digital solution allowing them to monitor and set up an action plan to help companies structure their CSR vision. The tool is very flexible and suits the customers' various needs. Toovalu helps them make their CSR strategies a leverage of performance. Toovalu is a company labeled as B Corp, they are willing to build a more sustainable and lower carbon economy,to build our future.
Label croissance verte
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J'ai investi dans Toovalu car je crois à l'importance grandissante que vont accorder les entreprises à leur pôle RSE. Longue vie à Toovalu!
Mathilde P.
J'ai investi dans Toovalu car je pense que les entreprises auront besoin d'indicateurs clairs pour progresser concrètement dans la mise en œuvre des mesures nécessaires à la transition écologiques.
Amount collected
€ 216 900
Financial product
Investing in unlisted companies carries the risk of losing all the money invested.