UCPA sport holidays
- Quality education
- Reduced inequality
- Sustainable cities and communities
Does UCPA mean anything to you? Under this acronym, hides one of the largest non-profit associative groups recognized as being of social and public utility in France. Organizer of sports trips for young adults, summer camps for children and adolescents and designer of sports spaces for all, the associative group enables more than 3.4 million people to live the UCPA experience each year. The association took its roots after the war under the leadership of young people involved in the resistance to promote access for as many people as possible to outdoor sports activities. Today, the association is present in 72 countries around the world and supervises more than 95 sports activities. The associative group works in favor of a sport open to all, non-competitive, a vector for living together and development for everyone. It acts to remove social, cultural and generational barriers and thus give everyone access to a sport, sources of emancipation, reconnection with nature, encounters and solidarity. Today, the UCPA Sport Vacances association is calling on investors to finance wider access to sport for all and in particular for people in fragile situations, and this mainly through the renovation of vacation sports centers and the renewal of its sports equipment.
The capital and interests of this bond investment opportunity are guaranteed on the assets of the association group, whose property activity amounts to € 150 million. Interest will be paid annually. Repayment of the planned capital is in fine and will be paid in the last two years of the investment (year 6 and year 7).
Take part in the development of the UCPA and support its model and its actions in favor of sport for all.