Negative exit

Blijf Actief

6% Bonds
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  • Handicap
  • Elderly
  • Good health & well being
  • Sustainable cities and communities
Impact category Sustainable living Degree of maturity Development
Amount collected : € 74 900.00



Although the company's object was relevant and very actual, the disagreement between the two founding partners prevented any development and reduced its activity to zero. Despite numerous attempts at conciliation and contact, the company found itself in great difficulty. In September 2022, bankruptcy was declared.


Blijf Actief ("Stay Active") believes that everyone, regardless of age or disability, should have the possibility to actively participate in society. The Blijf Actief Platform helps elderly people and people with disabilities to find the correct information and the right tools in order to actively participate in society for as long as possible. Necessary home modifications are carried out from A to Z. In this way, Blijf Actief responds to the growing demand for real estate that addresses the specific needs of elderly people and people with disabilities.

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Fundraising goal
€ 30 000
Financial product
Investing in unlisted companies carries the risk of losing all the money invested.