
Make ICI

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  • Makers
  • Quality education
  • Decent work and economic growth
  • Sustainable cities and communities
Impact category Social economy Degree of maturity Acceleration
Amount collected : € 1 100 029.94



Make ICI is the pioneer of the "makers" movement in France with more than 5,400 square meters dedicated to crafts and manufacturing and a network of more than 200 professional residents who create "Made in France" products every day. Make ICI aims to enable craftsmen or manufacturers to make a living from their activity. By making professional equipment, workshops and services available to them in factories, this creates the ecosystem for development. The adventure begins in 2012 with the opening of ICI Montreuil, which offers a coworking area and a fleet of more than 45 machines enabling its residents and users to develop their business. Make ICI continues its spin-off with the opening in 2017 of ICI thecamp in Aix-en-Provence, then ICI Marseille in 2018 in partnership with and finally Fablab de La Verrière in 2019 in association with the City of Montreuil and 4 integration associations (Aurore, Les Petits Débrouillards, Rues et Cités, Traces).

Join the adventure and become an ambassador for the maker movement alongside Make ICI! An entire community of entrepreneurs/makers/craftsmen is ready to start and develop their business.

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Thibaut G.

J'ai investi dans Make ICI car je suis l'aventure depuis longtemps et que je crois dans ces tiers lieux artisanat 4.0 !

Jean-Philippe B.

J'ai investi dans Make ICI car... Stimule une economie locale fondee sur l artisanat

Alexis S.

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Amount collected
€ 1 100 029.94
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