Negative exit


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  • Responsible consumption and production
Impact category Tech for good Degree of maturity Seed
Amount collected : € 224 359.38



La société n'a pas réussi à atteindre des marges suffisantes pour gérer le besoin en fonds de roulement et continuer à développer son parc de distributeurs automatiques. Après 7 années d'exercice, le société a été liquidée. Elle aura permis de créer 10 emplois. Tous les salariés, notamment ceux en insertion, ont trouvé un emploi par la suite.


Centimeo's goal is to get rid of your coins !

Difficult to use for consumers, the State has to re-manufacture nearly a billion of them at a loss every year to replenish the economic circuit. This is why Centimeo has created energy autonomous vending machines that sell small products in unitary format at very low prices.

Thus, it is possible to exchange small coins for 10-cent chewing gum, 10-cent chocolate squares, 20-cent biscuits (or chocolate eggs for Easter), in vending machines located in universities, train stations, subway stations, companies...

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Fundraising goal
€ 200 000
Financial product
Investing in unlisted companies carries the risk of losing all the money invested.
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