On LITA.co, choose the world you want your savings to support.
Invest directly in companies that take a real part in social and ecological transition.
Invest easily and quickly • From €100
Investments made
Jobs created or secured
Million euros collected
Companies selected on the basis of their growth prospects, their responsibility and their positive impact on society.
100% online, 100% transparent and 100% responsible as of 100 €
From a tax deduction coupled with any dividends and / or capital gains if you have invested in the capital
of a company OR the payment of periodic interest if you lend your money to a company
In a transparent way the evolution of the company in which you have invested, directly from your LITA.co account.
Diversify your savings with meaningful investments
• By investing in the capital of innovative companies through shares (benefit from tax reduction & potential capital gains)
• By lending to mature SMEs via bonds (benefit from annual interest)
• By investing in socially responsible real estate companies (ultra social and robust)
• By supporting cooperatives (benefit from tax reduction)